Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I've never been much of one for a career. It always tethered me to something that I had to do in order to be able to do the things I really wanted to do.

The list of things 'I would rather be doing' is long and sometimes seems endless when I have a day off trying to figure out what to do with it. I enjoy writing, painting, gardening, canning, graphic design, working with my hands, learning to play the accordion, and collecting (70's memorabilia, comics, football cards, etc.).

As of late, I have been trying to figure out a way to make some of the things I enjoy doing into something that would eventually eliminate the had-to-do job. One of those things s taking my writings and putting together books to sell. I currently have two on Amazon as Kindle books and sales have been sub-par. They're not the most fantastic stories you will ever read but they're solid, good reads. At first I had the overwhelming feeling of accomplishment when they were first up and that slowly faded to disappointment as the days passed and nothing. They sat there. Unread.

I know that being able to do something artistic as a full time job is next to impossible these days. It's not about creativity (maybe it never was) anymore. It's about the bottom line. How much can you make? Where can you cut corners to maximize profitability? What is the long-term financial goal? Phrases that make me cringe.

So, that's what this blog is about. Trying to find happiness in a world that seems to try and stifle that happiness. To drive it into the ground and bury it with sound-bites and financial futures. A world that tries to stake it through the heart with pop music icons, the latest and greatest gadget, and the top-grossing summer blockbuster movie.

I want to resurrect that happiness and talk about things like bad 70's horror movies and what artistic endeavor I'm working on and that really cool Creepy magazine puzzle I'm trying to put together. I would also like to hear about things that make everybody else happy.

Those little things that make the day-to-day working stiff glow just a bit from the inside.